miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Description and Analysis of Jurassic Park

Descriptive stage

The first scene we watched was a establishing shot in which they show two red safari cars in a green field with very tall trees. The music is very adventurous and gives an emotion of optimism and everything is all right. Then there is another shot in which they make a close up on the cars and we see that there are scientists. Then they stop the cars and there is a close up on the face of a scientist and he has a very surprised expression. he then tells the woman to look at was he is looking and she is surprised as well. Then we see what they saw which is a dinosaur. The scientists step out of the car and get closer to the dinosaur. Both of them are very surprised because they haven’t seen a dinosaur before.

Analytical stage

  • Camera angle: it starts with a high camera in which we see the dimensions of the place and that everything is very big. Then when the dinosaur appear they use a low camera looking up to emphasize the size and when the scientists get down of the cars they use a very low camera to compare the size of the humans and the size of the dinosaur. The camera also focuses on the faces of each character to show their expression about the dinosaurs. 
  • Lighting/colour: everything is very green and natural and the cars are bright red almost emphasizing that they do not belong there and are artificial. It is almost predicting danger since red represents danger most of the time. The lighting seems to be natural lighting.
  • Sound:
    • Diagetic:
When the shot gets closer to the cars we can hear the engines and when we see the dinosaur we listen to the sounds it makes.
    • Non-diagetic:
At the stablishing shot we get a very happy and optimistic music which makes us feel everything is al right and then there is a supence music when the scientists are surprised because we haven’t seen yet the dinosaurs and the music helps building the suspence. Then when we see the dinosaur and the scientists get down of the car and walk towards the dinosaur we get a big scale classical music to enphasize the magnitude of what is happening.
  • Composition/contrast: they show very tall trees against the cars to show the size and so we can compare the height of the trees against the cars. Also when they show the dinosaur they chose the biggest of all which is the brachiosaurus to make a point which is that, that island and the dinosaurs are in a much bigger scale than what we humans are used to.
  • Close up/long shot: It starts with a long shot from were we see the cars approaching and the trees and landscape of the place. There are several close ups on the faces of the scientists to show the expression on their faces and then by the end of the scene there is a long shot in which we see the whole size of the place and we can see lots of different dinosaurs and the full scale of the island.
  • Editing/time sequence: on the transition from the stablishing shot in which the cars are far away and the shot in which they are coming closer there is an editing cut that makes the time go by because they do not show the entire time that the cars are getting closer to the dinosaur.
  • Viewpoint: it is restricted because we first see the expression the characters are making and then we see what they are seeing. We don’t see things before they do or things that they haven’t seen yet.

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